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Experience Tranquility in Just 5 Minutes with 'A Peaceful Journey' Book - Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Inner Peace!

Experience Tranquility in Just 5 Minutes with 'A Peaceful Journey' Book - Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Inner Peace!

Experience 5 minutes of tranquility with the beloved children's book Five Minutes' Peace by Jill Murphy. Join Mrs. Large as she escapes for a peaceful bath.

Have you ever wished for just five minutes of peace and quiet in the midst of a chaotic day? In the children's book Five Minutes' Peace by Jill Murphy, Mrs. Large, an elephant mother, can relate. With three rambunctious children and a never-ending to-do list, Mrs. Large yearns for a moment of tranquility. As she attempts to take a bath, her children interrupt with their various demands and antics. Will Mrs. Large ever find the peace she so desperately seeks?

The story begins with Mrs. Large waking up to chaos. Her three children, Laura, Lester, and Luke, are already up and about, making noise and asking for breakfast. Mrs. Large is overwhelmed with the sheer amount of tasks she needs to accomplish, from washing clothes to grocery shopping to cleaning the house. She decides to take a bath as a moment of respite.

However, Mrs. Large's moment of relaxation is short-lived. Her children barge into the bathroom, each with their own request. Laura wants to show off her new dress, Lester wants to play with his trucks, and Luke wants to join his siblings in the bathtub. Mrs. Large tries to reason with them, but they persist in their interruptions.

This pattern continues throughout the book, with Mrs. Large attempting to find a quiet moment and her children continuously interrupting her. For instance, when Mrs. Large goes to the kitchen to make tea, her children follow her and cause a mess. When Mrs. Large retreats to her bedroom to read a book, her children again barge in and make noise.

Despite the chaos, Mrs. Large remains patient and loving towards her children. She understands that they are young and curious, and she tries to accommodate their needs while also prioritizing her own well-being. This is a relatable situation for many parents and caregivers, who often struggle to balance their own needs with the demands of their children.

As the book progresses, Mrs. Large's patience begins to wear thin. She grows increasingly frustrated with her children's interruptions and longs for just five minutes of peace. Finally, she snaps and yells at her children, causing them to feel guilty and sad.

Realizing her mistake, Mrs. Large apologizes to her children and tries again to find a moment of peace. This time, her children surprise her by creating a makeshift spa in the bathroom, complete with soothing music and relaxation techniques. Mrs. Large is able to finally enjoy a few moments of tranquility, surrounded by her loving family.

The book's message is clear: even in the midst of chaos and noise, it is possible to find moments of peace and love. It is important to prioritize self-care and to communicate openly with loved ones about one's needs and emotions. Five Minutes' Peace is a heartwarming and relatable story that both children and adults can appreciate.


The world is a chaotic place, and it can be tough to find some peace amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, there's a charming children's book that has been helping both kids and adults find some solace for over three decades now. That book is Five Minutes' Peace by Jill Murphy. In this article, we'll delve into the book's plot, characters, themes and why it's still relevant today.

The Plot

Five Minutes' Peace follows the story of Mrs Large, an elephant mother who is on a quest to find some peace and quiet away from her rambunctious children. She seeks refuge in the bathtub, hoping to enjoy a few moments of solitude. However, her peace is short-lived as her children soon barge in, interrupting her bath and making it impossible for her to relax. Frustrated and exhausted, Mrs Large finally snaps and yells at her children, demanding that they leave her alone so she can have some peace.

The Characters

Jill Murphy's Five Minutes' Peace features a cast of charming characters, including Mrs Large and her three lively children: Laura, Lester and Luke. Mrs Large is the protagonist, and her struggles to find some peace and quiet make her relatable to readers of all ages. Her children are typical of young kids, always full of energy and enthusiasm, but also sometimes oblivious to the needs of others. Together, these characters create a heart-warming and humorous story that resonates with readers.

The Themes

At its core, Five Minutes' Peace is a story about the challenges of parenthood and the importance of self-care. It highlights the struggle that many parents face when trying to balance their own needs with those of their children. The book also touches on themes of family, love, and the importance of communication. Additionally, it teaches kids about empathy and the importance of respecting others' boundaries.

The Illustrations

One of the standout features of Five Minutes' Peace is its beautiful illustrations. Jill Murphy, who wrote and illustrated the book, has a unique style that captures the warmth and humor of the story. The characters are drawn in a way that is both cute and expressive, making it easy for young children to connect with them. The illustrations also help to convey the emotions of the characters effectively, adding an extra dimension to the story.

Why It's Still Relevant Today

Despite being over 30 years old, Five Minutes' Peace remains as relevant today as it was when it was first published. The book highlights the struggle that many parents face when trying to find some balance in their lives. In an age where people are more connected than ever before, it can be challenging to switch off and find some peace and quiet. Additionally, the book's message of empathy and respect for others' boundaries is something that is still vital today, especially in a world where social media and technology can make it easy to forget about the needs of others.

Reception and Legacy

Five Minutes' Peace has been a beloved children's book since its publication in 1986. It has won numerous awards and accolades over the years, including the Smarties Book Prize and the British Book Awards Children's Book of the Year. Its success has led to several sequels, including All in One Piece and A Piece of Cake. The book's legacy continues to this day, with new generations of readers discovering its charm and humor.

The Author: Jill Murphy

Jill Murphy, the author, and illustrator of Five Minutes' Peace, is an accomplished children's book writer. She has written over 40 books, including several other popular series, such as The Worst Witch and The Large Family. Her work has won numerous awards and has been translated into several languages. Murphy's ability to create relatable characters and heart-warming stories has made her a beloved figure in children's literature.


In conclusion, Five Minutes' Peace is a timeless classic that has been entertaining and comforting readers for over three decades. Its relatable characters, heart-warming story, beautiful illustrations, and important themes make it a must-read for both kids and adults. The book's legacy continues to this day, and it's not hard to see why. So, if you're looking for some peace and quiet in your life, take a leaf out of Mrs Large's book, and spend Five Minutes' Peace with this charming tale.

Introduction to 5 Minutes Peace Book: A Heartwarming Tale for Kids

For parents with young children, finding five minutes of peace and quiet can feel like an impossible task. But in the heartwarming children's book 5 Minutes Peace, author Jill Murphy explores the challenges of being a busy mom and the importance of taking time for yourself, even if it's just for a few minutes.First published in 1986, 5 Minutes Peace has since become a beloved classic among parents and children alike. The story follows Mrs. Large, a mother of three elephants who desperately needs a break from her hectic daily routine.

Meet Mrs. Large: The Protagonist of the Story

As the main character of the book, Mrs. Large is a relatable and endearing character who many parents will see themselves in. She is a dedicated mother who loves her children but often feels overwhelmed by the demands of parenthood.Mrs. Large is portrayed as a caring and nurturing parent, always putting her children's needs before her own. However, as the story progresses, we see a different side of her - one that craves peace and solitude.

The Challenges of Being a Mother of Three

Mrs. Large's life is a constant juggling act of cooking, cleaning, and caring for her three rambunctious children. Her days are filled with endless tasks, leaving her with little time to relax or take a break.As any parent knows, raising children is a full-time job, and it can be challenging to balance their needs with your own. This struggle is highlighted in 5 Minutes Peace, where Mrs. Large's desire for some alone time is constantly thwarted by her children's demands.

The Desperate Need for Some Peace and Quiet

At the beginning of the book, Mrs. Large is at her wit's end. She is exhausted, frazzled, and in desperate need of some peace and quiet. Her children are constantly running around, making noise, and interrupting her attempts to relax.Despite her best efforts, Mrs. Large cannot seem to find a moment of tranquility. She tries everything from locking herself in the bathroom to hiding under the bed, but her children always manage to find her.

Mrs. Large's Hilarious Attempts to Find Solitude

One of the things that make 5 Minutes Peace such a delightful read is Mrs. Large's hilarious attempts to find solitude. From hiding in the laundry basket to squeezing into the broom cupboard, she tries every trick in the book to escape her children's constant attention.As parents, we can all relate to Mrs. Large's desperation for some alone time. Her comical antics will have both parents and children laughing out loud and rooting for her to finally get some peace and quiet.

The Unforeseen Interruptions That Keep Mrs. Large from Relaxing

Just as Mrs. Large thinks she has found a moment of peace, something unexpected always seems to happen. Whether it's a knock at the door or a spilled bowl of cereal, her attempts to relax are constantly interrupted.These interruptions add an element of unpredictability to the story, keeping both parents and children engaged and entertained. They also highlight the challenges of parenthood and the need to be flexible and adaptable in the face of unexpected obstacles.

How Mrs. Large Finally Finds 5 Minutes of Tranquility

Despite her numerous attempts to find peace and quiet, Mrs. Large finally discovers a moment of tranquility in the most unexpected place - the bathtub. As she soaks in the warm water, she finally feels relaxed and at ease.This scene is a powerful reminder of the importance of taking time for yourself, even if it's just for a few minutes. It also shows that sometimes the best way to find peace is to stop searching and simply let it come to you.

The Importance of Taking Time for Yourself

5 Minutes Peace is a valuable lesson for both parents and children about the importance of taking time for yourself. As Mrs. Large discovers, it's essential to take a break from the demands of daily life and recharge your batteries.Parents often feel guilty about taking time for themselves, but 5 Minutes Peace shows that it's not only necessary but also beneficial for both parents and children. When parents are happy and relaxed, they are better able to care for their children and provide them with the love and support they need.

Lessons Kids Can Learn from Mrs. Large's Experience

While 5 Minutes Peace is primarily aimed at parents, there are valuable lessons that children can learn from the story as well. They will see firsthand the challenges of being a busy parent and the importance of respecting their parents' need for some alone time.The book also teaches children about perseverance and the value of not giving up, even when things seem tough. Mrs. Large never gives up on her quest for some peace and quiet, and eventually, her persistence pays off.

Conclusion: A Delightful Story for the Whole Family to Enjoy

In conclusion, 5 Minutes Peace is a heartwarming and hilarious tale that both parents and children will enjoy. The book's relatable characters and comical situations make it a must-read for any family.Through Mrs. Large's experience, we learn the importance of taking time for ourselves, the challenges of parenthood, and the value of perseverance. These lessons are invaluable for both parents and children, making 5 Minutes Peace a timeless classic that will be enjoyed for generations to come.

Point of View: 5 Minutes Peace Book


5 Minutes Peace is a children's book written and illustrated by Jill Murphy. The story follows a mother elephant named Mrs. Large who just wants five minutes of peace from her children. She tries to escape to the bathtub, but her children follow her and disrupt her moment of solitude.


  • The book is relatable for many parents who have experienced the struggle of finding a moment of peace.
  • The illustrations are charming and capture the chaos of a household with young children.
  • The story teaches children about the importance of respecting their parents' need for personal space.


  • The storyline may be repetitive for some readers as it centers around Mrs. Large's desire for a brief moment of peace.
  • Some readers may find the children's behavior to be overly disruptive and unrealistic.
  • The book may not appeal to children who are not interested in stories about family dynamics.


Book Title Author Target Age Range Pros Cons
5 Minutes Peace Jill Murphy 3-7 years old -Relatable storyline for parents
-Charming illustrations
-Teaches children about respecting personal space
-Repetitive storyline
-Unrealistic behavior of children
-May not appeal to all children
The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss 3-7 years old -Entertaining rhymes and illustrations
-Teaches children about consequences of misbehavior
-Some parents may not like the behavior of the cat
-May be too long for younger children's attention span
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle 2-5 years old -Colorful illustrations
-Teaches children about healthy eating habits
-Interactive element with counting
-May not have a strong storyline compared to other books
-Target age range may be limited
In conclusion, 5 Minutes Peace is a charming and relatable book for parents and young children. While it may have some repetitive elements and unrealistic behavior from the children, it teaches an important lesson about respecting personal space. In comparison to other popular children's books, it stands out for its focus on family dynamics and the struggles of parenting.

Find Peace in Just 5 Minutes a Day with this Amazing Book

Greetings, dear readers! It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts about the book '5 Minutes Peace' by Rebecca Wells with you. I hope that my review has given you an insight into how this book can help you find solace and calmness in your daily life.

If you're someone who is constantly on-the-go, juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to find time for yourself, then this book is a must-read for you. In just 5 minutes a day, the author teaches you how to cultivate mindfulness and find inner peace.

The book is a collection of short, simple yet powerful exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime. Whether you're at home, work or even commuting, these exercises can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

One of the things I loved about this book is that it's not preachy or overwhelming. The exercises are easy to follow and don't require any special equipment or training. All you need is a willingness to take a few minutes out of your day to focus on yourself.

The author's writing style is also very engaging and relatable. She shares her own struggles with stress and anxiety and how she overcame them with the help of mindfulness techniques. This makes the book feel like a conversation with a friend, rather than a clinical self-help manual.

Another great thing about this book is that it's suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're a student, working professional, stay-at-home parent or retiree, the exercises in this book can benefit you.

So, what kind of exercises can you expect to find in this book? Well, there are breathing exercises, visualization techniques, body scans and more. Each exercise is designed to help you quiet your mind, reduce stress and find inner peace.

One of my favorite exercises in the book is the 'body scan'. In this exercise, you start by lying down in a comfortable position and then focus on each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. As you focus on each body part, you release any tension or stress you may be holding onto. By the end of the exercise, you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Another great exercise is the 'mindful breathing' exercise. This one is perfect for when you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious. You simply focus on your breath, counting each inhale and exhale. This helps to calm your mind and bring you back into the present moment.

Overall, I highly recommend '5 Minutes Peace' to anyone who is looking to reduce stress and find more calmness in their life. The exercises are simple yet effective, and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. By taking just 5 minutes out of your day to focus on yourself, you'll be amazed at how much more relaxed and centered you feel.

So, go ahead and give this book a try. I promise you won't regret it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my review. I hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And remember, a little bit of peace goes a long way!

People Also Ask About 5 Minutes Peace Book

What is 5 Minutes Peace Book?

5 Minutes Peace is a children's book written and illustrated by Jill Murphy. It was first published in 1986 and has been a popular choice for young readers ever since. The story follows the life of Mrs. Large, a busy elephant mother, who just wants five minutes of peace from her noisy and demanding family.

What age group is 5 Minutes Peace Book suitable for?

5 Minutes Peace is suitable for children aged 3-7 years old. It is an easy-to-read book with simple language and colorful illustrations that will engage young readers.

What is the main message of 5 Minutes Peace Book?

The main message of 5 Minutes Peace is that parents need to take care of themselves too, even when they are busy taking care of their children. The book shows that it is okay for parents to take a break and have some alone time, even if it is just for a few minutes.

What are some other books by Jill Murphy?

Jill Murphy has written many other children's books, including:

  1. The Worst Witch
  2. Peace at Last
  3. Whatever Next!
  4. All in One Piece

Is 5 Minutes Peace Book available in different languages?

Yes, 5 Minutes Peace is available in several different languages, including Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. Check with your local bookstore or online retailer for availability in your preferred language.